Breast-feed is the act, from a female mammal, to feed its young with the milk that they produce. Whales and dolphins are marine mammals, which means that they also breast-feed their calves, depending directly on the milk of their mom in the first years of their lives. Read More
Author Archives: Biólogo

Why do cetaceans jump?
The breach of a large whale is almost certainly the most powerful action performed by any animal, and a leaping dolphin rising many meters above the surface is one of the most impressive. However, most breaching and leaping are not immediately functional activities for an aquatic animal, and a question of “Why do they do it?” is still only partially answered. Read More

Gelatinous marine organisms from the Azores
It's very common for swimmers to have their baths in the sea interrupted by the presence of jelly-like organisms. Some of these gelatinous creatures are known as jellyfish (Pelagia noctiluca), Portuguese Man o’ War (Physalia physalis), and salp (Salpa sp). Read More

Flying fish in the Azores
What is it that flies but doesn't have wings? These are our unique flying fish which are often spotted during our whalewatching trips. Read More

Risso's Dolphin
The Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) is the smallest member of the subfamily Globicephalinae (Delphinidae). It is characterized by robust build and rounded head. Read More

Bycatch and Ghost Net
The threats for the species that are so frequently observed in our visits are wide. Come get to know a little bit more about this subject with us! Read More

Azores- Its settlement before the official date
As a study recalls “The most consensual date of human colonization of the Azores is 1427”, when Gonçalo Velho Cabral arrived on the island of Santa Maria and then on the island of S. Miguel. The official date of the beginning of the colonization of the archipelago is 1449, but studies are already known that argue that the Azores were already known before, based on maps from 1339 where the islands of Corvo and S. Miguel are already marked, although with different names (Corvinaris and Caprara, respectively). Read More

Sperm whales’ photo-ID
When there is a need to understand a little more about the behavior and ecology of a species, it’s extremely important to be able to identify the different individuals of a certain group. Photo identification (or photo-ID) emerges to solve this problem. Read More

The ocean is the greatest habitat on the planet. There are large animals such as the whale shark and the largest of all, the blue whale, which can exceed 30 meters in length. Read More

Why are whales so massive and why do the biggest of them prey on such small animals?
Why are whales so gigantic? Being big in the ocean is a big advantage for various reasons. Read More