Environmental Education and Ecology
Since its beginning in 2002, Picos de Aventura has ensured that each one of its activities is enriched with knowledge and awareness of the Nature conservation.
As our most popular activity is whale-watching, is also the one that most easily causes a positive impact. When if observe such emblematic animals as Dolphins and Whales, it is almost immediate the empathy between observers and observed species. After what is often an emotional experience, it is precisely at this point that an opportunity arises for raising awareness and educating about environmental issues.
We, privileged to have direct contact with these extraordinary animals and marine environment, we also feel a responsibility in the education of new generations for a more sustainable world. It was for this reason that, in 2013, the Team of Biologists of Picos de Aventura created Picoslogia – the Scientific-Pedagogical Department whose main motivation is environmental education and the awareness of our children and young people for the conservation of Nature and Biodiversity. The presentation and rhetoric of our program of approximately one hour is adapted and personalized to each age group and class, from children in day care centers, kindergarten and basic education (1st and 2nd cycle) to high school and we also invite the teachers to come to our presentations.
Because of the school calendar or even the sea conditions, is not easy to take the students to the sea, why not take the sea to schools? Combining image, sound, current themes, it has been possible to reach the student community and create a positive impact on the knowledge of the species that inhabit the waters of the Azores.
From 2 to 4 years old, it is possible to transmit the differences between Fish and Marine Mammals and show the main characteristics of the best known species. We also use themed drawings for coloring and puzzles, ending with a story on Turtles and the problem of plastic ingestion.
In preschool, however, it is possible to transmit a little more knowledge, with the simulation of a very interactive Whale Watching trip. Joining several sensory pieces such as videos, sounds and a bit of theatre, we introduce concepts within the ecology of the most emblematic species, and in these ages so inquisitive and imaginative it is now possible to raise awareness of the conservation of the marine environment.
From Basic Education onwards, the sessions turn into lectures that address the themes mentioned above, adding the History of the Azores and its connection with the Sea and Cetaceans. No Lecture is concluded without, of course, going through the problematic of Global Warming and Plastic in the Oceans and how they are affecting the environment, marine life and the species that inhabit it.
Each session is unique, each class is a challenging and stimulating experience. The relation that is generated during that hour motivates new games and new forms of “reach” this special audience, passing on knowledge and day-to-day experiences of this tourist activity. It is equally gratifying when later on the teachers contact us for new sessions or to let us know the impact caused by our visit.