Sightings 2021

Whale Watching Azores
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Surprising sightings in the Azores sea

2021 is already gone, but the memories of fantastic sightings remain. Once again, this year was marked by the pandemic and even though we only managed to start maritime-tourist activities in March, we had many curious tourists feeling adventurous with the finding and getting to know the various species of whales and dolphins that pass through the Azores, more specifically throughout the island of São Miguel.

As always, in the spring, the Baleen Whales, our great migrators (represented in the graph with the blue line) did not disappoint and we had sightings of Blue whales, Humpback whales and Fin whales. The sighting of these three types of whales decreases in early summer, to give way to Sei whales in September/October.

blog picos de aventura avistamentos 2021 baleia
Sei whale

Whether i tis summer or winter, it is a constant to see several species of dolphins along our coast (yellow line of the graph). Don't forget that three of them chose the Azores as their permanent home, they are: bottlenose dolphins, common dolphins and risso's dolphins. These three species can be seen throughout the year and, in the summer, vacationing species such as spotted dolphins, pilot whales and striped dolphins, arrive.

Our large residents – the Sperm whales (grey line of the graph) – can also be seen throughout the year, especially in areas that have great depths. This is because it’s in these great depths that they find their food, the giant squid.

Represented in the red line, we have the elusive turtles. In the height of summer, when the water is warmer, it is the ideal time to try to spot them, which is not easy because they go unnoticed in the immensity of the ocean.

In addition to the species that we are already familiar with, we can have big surprises that for some biologists, it may be their first sighting! This is what happened last summer when many of us first saw Northern Bottlenose Whale! Both we and our customers were speechless, seeing the small group of these amazing and mysterious animals. They stayed for a few days and then continued their journey to other waters.

We are confident that this new year will bring great sightings.

We are waiting for you, to introduce these magnificent animals!

Book your experience in the Azores sea with us here.

blog picos de aventura avistamentos 2021 grafico
Sightings Chart 2021 – March to December
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